Upcoming Events
Riparian landowner trainings will focus on the nature and function of riparian zones (fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, vegetation), the benefits and direct economic impacts from ecological services of healthy riparian zones, best management practices (BMPs) for enhancing and protecting riparian zones, and technical and financial resources and incentives available for implementing riparian BMPs and riparian protection measures. These one-day trainings in watersheds across the state will include indoor classroom presentations and outdoor field sites and stream walks.
The goal is for participants to better understand and relate to riparian and watershed processes, the benefits that healthy riparian areas provide, and the tools that can be employed to prevent and/or resolve degradation and improve water quality. As a part of the training, participants will be educated on the importance of riparian protection activities. A major goal of the program will be to foster implementation of riparian BMPs. Training will also emphasize the need for watershed planning that supports maintenance of a natural hydrograph. Restoration of riparian areas degraded by changes to the natural hydrologic regime must be conducted in concert with efforts to remedy those upstream disturbances. At the conclusion of the training, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Continuing Education Units
- Texas Department of Agriculture Pesticide Applicators License 3 CEU
- Texas Water Resources Institute – 1 hour
- Texas Nutrient Management Planning Specialists – approved for 6 hrs.
- Texas Forestry Association – approved for up to 6 hrs
- Society of American Foresters – approved for up to 5. 5 hrs
- Texas Floodplain Management Association – 7 CECs
- Certified Crop Advisor- 7 CEUs (Nutrient Mgmt: 1, Soil & Water: 1.5, IPM: 1.5, Crop Mgmt: 2.5, Manure Mgmt: 0.5)
- Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying – 7 hours
- Texas Board of Architectural Examiners “Acceptable for HSW”
- The program may also be used for CEUs for Professional Engineers
- Check with your Chapter for Master Naturalist and Master Gardener to see if it is approved for your area.